Posts by diego

Coevolution - Commitment

Transform your coaching programmes into coevolution

November 3rd, 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Transform your coaching programmes into coevolution”
Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the greatest breakthroughs in my coaching practise has been the transition from simply working with a coachee to creating a system that works for them.

Traditionally, a coach is hired to establish a productive relationship with one person and help them to improve their ability, attitude and/or skills. The process is very well known: the coach works on self awareness in order to facilitate a change. The coach supports the coachee in finding the best way to solve problems and grow. 

I have always felt that something more could be done. For me, the key is not seeing our coaching activity as directed to that one person only, but instead considering that person inside a larger system. In other words, we can include other people in the coaching process specifically to help the process itself.

A coaching programme usually starts with one or more stakeholders giving their view about the coachee’s expected change. By “stakeholders” I mean people that are impacting for some reasons on the coachee’s career. Typically, I involve the direct manager, the HR business partner, the person who sponsored the initiative (frequently the manager’s manager) and/or the HR Director. So yes, one of my programmes can have onboard up to four people as well as the coachee and coach. I organise three meetings with the coachee and stakeholders together, at each of the key moments of the coaching path: kick off (beginning), mid check (middle) and wrap up (end).

Is the presence of the stakeholders enough to increase the value of a coaching programme? Well, no. Without them the programme would have no organisational direction and the risk of failure is really high. However, involving them is not a guarantee of excellence. It’s actually the way stakeholders are involved that makes the difference.

Often, stakeholders assume a passive position. They feel involved in a sort of space “outside” the program and they get called to give their point of view and advice, but they don’t usually feel like they are an active part of it.

I feel I improved both my coaching skills and my results when I started seeing things differently and making stakeholders feel more responsible for the process. Now, I work hard to ensure their engagement during the kick off and make them feeling part of the coachee’s work on personal improvement and success. I’m clear with them: they are not spectators, but actors in the process.

They are not there to just express their opinion and evaluate results but they are a key part of the process and the results. How do I do this? First of all, preparing the ground with individual calls. Secondly, by agreeing that both stakeholders and coach should provide open, useful feedback in order to plan and deliver the coaching work effectively, and committing to do this for the duration of the program. Thirdly, by being open in sharing their perceptions with the coachee about improvement, setbacks and opportunities, while the coaching is still in progress. This means that I’m working with a system rather than with a single person.

I define this process with a term I’m borrowing from biology: coevolution. Coevolution is a process of evolutionary change that occurs between pairs of species or among groups, as they interact with one another and facilitate their evolution. By taking a coevolution approach to coaching programmes, the added value for all the people involved and the benefits for the organisation are huge.

mood tracking

How tracking your mood can help you stay balanced and positive

January 19th, 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “How tracking your mood can help you stay balanced and positive”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Allow me to remove my management expert garb for a moment, and once again dress like my old psychologist self. 2020 has been a year of hard times and the difficulties are not finished yet.



Feedforward: a tool to enrich your coaching ability

December 9th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Feedforward: a tool to enrich your coaching ability”
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Over the years you have probably heard numerous times about the value of honest feedback in helping others grow. (more…)


It’s time for you to embrace a growth mindset!

November 27th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “It’s time for you to embrace a growth mindset!”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” were coined by Carol Dweck to describe the underlying beliefs that people have about learning and intelligence. These beliefs greatly impact on the way people approach things and the results they achieve in the long term. (more…)

From VUCA to BANI: how to expect the unexpected

November 6th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “From VUCA to BANI: how to expect the unexpected”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
During these unprecedented times you might have come across the acronym VUCA. (more…)

5 ways to kill a video conference

November 2nd, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “5 ways to kill a video conference”
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Video conferences have become the most important working tool for everyone. We connect every day with other people to make decisions, share information, train and learn. (more…)

kata coaching

What’s the difference between executive coaching and kata coaching?

September 18th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “What’s the difference between executive coaching and kata coaching?”
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Kata coaching (or coaching kata, if we want to be closer to the original japanese definition) is a form of coaching people for results. (more…)

coffee and chat

Why we’ve missed so badly our coffee and chat during lockdown

May 26th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Why we’ve missed so badly our coffee and chat during lockdown”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
We conducted some research on home working in the middle of lockdown and in their comments, respondents clearly expressed how a cup of coffee with colleagues was the thing they were missing the most. Why?


remote leader

Do you want to become an outstanding remote leader? Our latest research can tell you how

May 5th, 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Do you want to become an outstanding remote leader? Our latest research can tell you how”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
If you have been following us during the past month, you have probably noticed we launched some research on whether people are satisfied by their managers’ behaviour. (more…)

Generous listening: become a better person and a real leader

May 3rd, 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Generous listening: become a better person and a real leader”
Reading Time: 4 minutes
If you’re a leader, you probably know how important your listening skills are. If you’re a good leader, you’ll certainly know how effective active listening is. But to become an outstanding leader, I invite you to step up to another level in your ability to build relationships with your staff. (more…)

Commitment - Turning Potentials into Results

Turning Potential into Results.
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