new year

New year, new career… but first, a bit of homework!

January 5th, 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “New year, new career… but first, a bit of homework!”
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Sometimes people come to us for advice because they are bored with their job or feeling exhausted.

We usually see an increase in these requests right at the beginning or the end of the year, when people have some time to reflect on the balance (or lack of it) in their lives. Often they tell us that they feel dissatisfied professionally, personally and/or developmentally. 

The typical question they ask us is: “I want a change. How should I present myself to the market?”. We tend to reframe this question into a more powerful and helpful one: “Are you truly ready to present yourself to the market – what should you do first?” 

We pose this question because time and again, we observe that people start searching for a new opportunity before they know what they are searching for, which makes their search long, difficult and frustrating.

For anyone out there who is thinking about a change of job or career, we have prepared six questions to help you. We have grouped them into 3 steps, so you understand why you feel the need for a change and what you are looking for. We believe that your search will be considerably easier and more productive once you have spent some time reflecting on and answering each question fully.

So, take three sheets of paper and divide each into two columns. Then follow the three steps below and keep the result close by when you start searching for your next opportunity, to check that the opportunity really matches what you want.

We hope this helps you and good luck with your change!

Helen Goulding and Diego Agostini




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